What are the advantages and disadvantages of Jiangmen solar lithium battery manufacturers

2022-10-12 285

Solar photovoltaic system power generation is a power generation method that uses photovoltaic effect to convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy. It is the mainstream of solar power generation today. Solar power generation is a power generation method that directly converts light energy into electrical energy without thermal process. It includes photovoltaic power generation, photochemical power generation, photo induced power generation and photobiological power generation.

There are two power generation methods of solar photovoltaic system, one is light heat electricity conversion method, and the other is light electricity direct conversion method. The basic forms of photovoltaic system can be divided into two categories: independent power generation system and grid connected power generation system. It is mainly used in space aircraft, communication system, microwave relay station, TV differential turntable, photovoltaic water pump and household power supply in areas without electricity and power shortage.

Jiangmen Solar Lithium Battery Manufacturer

Advantages of solar photovoltaic system:

① Solar energy is the power, and there is no danger of drying up;

② Solar energy is a clean power. It is definitely clean, free of public hazards, and easy for users to accept emotionally;

③ Solar power generation is sensitive to use, free from resource distribution and geographical constraints, and can be generated nearby at the power consumption place;

④ Solar cells have a long life, can be invested for a long time, and can pay equal attention to both large and small solar cells;

⑤ High reliability and power quality of solar power generation;

⑥ It takes a short time to get power.


① The energy dispersion density of irradiation is small, which requires a large area;

② The obtained power is affected by meteorological conditions such as four seasons, day and night, and cloudy and sunny weather.

Article Source:www.msppai.com Jiangmen Solar Lithium Battery Manufacturer