Product features
电池经过匹配,⼀致性好,放电平台⾼,寿命⻓;电池带有PTC(热敏温控保护)与防爆阀(防爆保护)双重保护装置,可 有效防⽌电池因意外短路照成起⽕,与内部压⼒过⼤⽽发⽣爆炸。产品应⽤领域:⼾外照明、安防设备、交通设备、消 防设备、监测设备、仪器电器等等
How to choose outdoor power supply in Jiangmen
What is the outdoor power supply, and what is the difference between it and the power pack?Outdoor power supply, actually called outdoor mobile power supply, is equivalent to a portable charging stati
How much do you know about Jiangmen outdoor power supply
1、 What is outdoor power? Outdoor power supply is a kind of outdoor power supply with built-in lithium ion battery, which can store electric energy itself. It is also called portable AC/DC power sup